What's the deal?

Save 20% on tickets for select Adelaide performances from 10th June to 30th June.

When & where

time-line 09/06/2024 - 30/06/2024
place Adelaide Showgrounds, Under the Big Top

How do I get it?

Enter your details and RAA member number and select your show at the RAA discounted rate. 

About LUZIA by Cirque du Soleil

Join the team as they take you on a journey into the colourful and fantastical world of LUZIA, set in a make-believe Mexico, where you will be treated to stunning visual surprises and breathtaking acrobatic performances.

LUZIA deftly guides you through the locations, people, and sounds of both classical and contemporary Mexico, taking you from a lively old movie set and a smoke-filled dance hall to the remote beach and barren desert.

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