What's the deal?

Save 10% on the 7-Day Unlimited Intro Pass, and then 10% off all full-price group classes and membership pricing including:

  • casual class
  • 5-class pass
  • 10-class pass
  • 2 and 3-class per week membership
  • ultimate unlimited membership subscription

How do I get it?

Use the promo code RAA10MEMBER when purchasing your 7-day Intro Pass online. After this, you will automatically receive the discount for future purchases while you're still a member. 

Aleenta Health Club is the place to feel strong and unwind your mind. Step into their tranquil, day spa-esque pilates, barre and yoga studios to let the stressors of the day blur into the background. A place where you can hang up your coat (and your troubles) and find some time just for you. Come for the warm welcome, feel-good movement and community of spirited humans. Locations in Adelaide CBD,  Glenelg, Magill Rd and Mawson Lakes.

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