Multiple Choice questions

  • 0 of 42Complete
  • 0 of 42Correct
  • 0 of 42Incorrect

You drive up to a tram that has just stopped at a tram stop. What is the most important thing you should do?

You are driving a vehicle that only has a seat belt for the driver. To reduce the danger of being injured in a collision in a vehicle without a seat belt, where is the best place for passengers to sit?

This light means, you-

In this roundabout with dual lanes, can this car turn right?

About how long does it take the body to get rid of the alcohol from one standard drink?

Provisional drivers are often involved in crashes when turning right across oncoming traffic. What is the main cause of these crashes?

What does this sign mean?

What does this sign mean?

When is a driver allowed to go over the speed limit?

What does this sign mean?

What may you do at an intersection with traffic lights at which this sign is displayed?

When driving near children playing or walking near the edge of the road, you should-

When police officers are at intersections giving directions you must-

Which one of the following statements is correct?

Is it an offence to refuse to take a Police breath test?

What must you do when travelling towards an intersection where the traffic lights are displaying a flashing yellow light?

It is early morning and there is no other traffic about. You approach an intersection when the traffic lights change from green to yellow. What should you do?

When you see this sign you should-

Which of the following statements is correct?

On a freeway with a maximum speed limit of 110 km/h, a learner driver who is not in a driving school vehicle fitted with dual brake controls must not drive faster than-

When it is very foggy during the day or night and your vehicle has no fog lights, you should-

What is the closest distance you are allowed to park on the approach side to an intersection with traffic lights?

If you get sleepy while driving, it is best to-

If elderly people or children are on a pedestrian crossing you will probably need to-

You are approaching a green light in vehicle A. An ambulance sounding its siren is approaching the same intersection and has a red light. You should-

You have started to overtake a vehicle, and notice that its right indicator is flashing. You should-

You must use your indicator lights when-

What is the closest distance you may park on the approach side of a children's crossing?

When turning left at a dual lane roundabout you should enter and leave the roundabout-

You want to turn right at an intersection and see this traffic light. You should-

You are in busy traffic and slow down for a bicycle rider. A driver behind you beeps a horn and pressures you to go around the bike and drive faster. How should you respond?

You want to park your vehicle on the road at night where there are no street lights. You should-

You set out on a fairly long drive to see some friends. After a while you start feeling tired. What should you do?

As you approach a set of traffic lights at an intersection, they change from green to yellow. You must-

You are driving on a road which has no lanes. Which ONE of the following is NOT allowed?

When you see this sign, you should-

When reversing, you should-

When you see this sign you should-

Which movements shown in the diagram can legally be made by the driver of Vehicle 1?

Which one of the following is most likely to cause you to lose control of your vehicle on a bend?

When approaching a level crossing displaying a stop sign without a stop line, you must stop-

When the road is marked this way are you permitted to cross the lines to overtake the bicycle rider if the way forward is clear?


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