Multiple Choice questions

  • 0 of 42Complete
  • 0 of 42Correct
  • 0 of 42Incorrect

Alcohol is a major contributor to approximately 30% of motor vehicle crashes where serious injuries or fatalities occur. What is the increased crash risk for a driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.05 grams of alcohol per 100 ml of blood (0.05%)?

Which one of the following is most likely to cause you to lose control of your vehicle on a bend?

You are approaching a hill or a curve. You must not cross the centre line to overtake-

You are driving along a country bitumen road where, because of inattention, the two left side wheels run onto the loose gravel surface on the edge of the road. What should you do?

Which of the vehicles are allowed to cross the lines on the centre of the road in order to overtake?

A licensed driver, or the registered owner of a motor vehicle, must inform the Registrar of Motor Vehicles of any change of address within-

A large puddle of water appears across part of your side of the road after heavy rain. What should you do?

A police car is parked on the centre traffic island of a divided road with its red and blue lights flashing. There has been an accident on the other side of the road. What should you do?

When driving in an area where there are many pedestrians (eg a bus stop) it is important to-

You are intending to drive straight on at an intersection where this sign is displayed. What are you required to do?

This sign means you should-

What is the fastest speed the holder of a provisional licence may travel on a road where the speed limit is 110 km/h?

During the hours stated on the sign in the diagram, are you allowed to enter and travel along the bus lane?

When you wish to turn left at a roundabout you indicate-

Looking at the diagram, which vehicle must give way?

What should you do when approaching traffic lights which change from green to yellow?

How far from an on coming car would you need to safely overtake a 23 metre B-double heavy truck, which is travelling at 100 km/h in a 110 km/h speed zone, without exceeding the speed limit?

If you take medicine and then drink alcohol-

If the boomgates are down and the signals are flashing, at a railway level crossing, you may begin to cross-

When being overtaken by another vehicle what should you do to help?

What must you do when travelling towards an intersection where the traffic lights are displaying a flashing yellow light?

Generally, if you hear the siren of an emergency vehicle you should-

What is the minimum distance that you are allowed to park your vehicle on a road from a marked continuous centre line, or dividing strip?

You wish to make a right hand turn from a ONE WAY STREET with no arrows marked on the roadway. You should position your vehicle-

You are going to turn right from a one-way street. Where should you be when you start your turn?

You are a driver who is about to move off from the kerb into a flow of traffic. What must you do?

When you see this sign you must-

What could be the penalties for driving over the speed limit-

If there are no signs or markings to advise you, can you choose any of these methods of parking?

This light means, you-

You want to give a lift to a friend and his four month old baby. Before you do, you need to make sure-

How close can you park to another vehicle when parked parallel to the kerb?

When can a private car travel in a lane marked by this sign?

You are driving in busy traffic in an 80 km/h zone. It begins to rain lightly. What should you do?

How should you merge with traffic when entering a freeway?

What are you required to do if you develop a serious medical condition that could affect your driving?

At a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights, when the lights change to red you should-

Under good conditions, when driving behind any vehicle, at any speed, you should-

On a freeway with a maximum speed limit of 110 km/h, a learner driver who is not in a driving school vehicle fitted with dual brake controls must not drive faster than-

If both vehicles P and O in the diagram are turning right, which vehicle is in the best position to turn left into the street marked 'X'?

Speed limit signs (such as the one shown) tell drivers-

Providing they are not breaking the speed limit, what is the maximum speed for learner drivers who are not in a driving school vehicle fitted with dual brake controls?


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