Multiple Choice questions

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  • 0 of 42Correct
  • 0 of 42Incorrect

What does this sign mean?

Are you permitted to park in the direction of the arrow?

When driving on a multi lane road with a speed limit of over 80 km per hour, which lane should you choose?

You are driving on a road with a painted island. There are no side streets and entrances to properties. Which one of the following statements is correct?

You are approaching a hill or a curve. You must not cross the centre line to overtake-

A car is carrying a driver and 3 adult passengers. There are seat belts in all seating positions. By law, seat belts must be worn by-

You want to turn right at an intersection and see this traffic light. You should-

What is the meaning of this sign?

You are driving a long vehicle (eg a car towing a trailer) on an unlaned country road where Road Trains do not operate. What minimum distance must you keep between your vehicle and another long vehicle, if you do not want to overtake?

Why should you slow down prior to driving through a large puddle of water on the road?

What is the safest way to stay under the legal alcohol limit?

You want to drive your car but you have a very bad headache. A friend gives you some of their headache tablets to kill the pain. What should you do before you take these tablets?

When the road is marked this way are you permitted to cross the lines and overtake?

When are you allowed to enter and cross a railway crossing where flashing red lights operate?

What does this sign mean?

You see zig-zag markings on the road in front of you. What do they mean?

You are planning to drive from Adelaide to Melbourne with some friends. To minimise fatigue and make the trip as safe as possible you should-

To turn back into the same road from which you joined this roundabout you must-

A large puddle of water appears across part of your side of the road after heavy rain. What should you do?

Alcohol is a depressant. This means-

When you wish to turn left at a roundabout you indicate-

About how long does it take the body to get rid of the alcohol from one standard drink?

You are going to turn right from a one-way street. Where should you be when you start your turn?

When turning right from a two way unlaned road to another two way unlaned road, you must approach the intersection from-

If you are convicted of driving with a blood alcohol level that is over the limit for your licence, you could lose your driver's licence. You may also-

When you see this sign you should-

If turning at an intersection are you required to give way to pedestrians?

Where there is parallel kerbside parking, are you allowed to double park alongside a parked vehicle?

You are driving in a 60 km/h zone, with only one lane for traffic in your direction. You see a bus ahead (with this sign displayed on the rear) signalling its intention to pull out from the kerb, you should-

What must you do when travelling towards an intersection where the traffic lights are displaying a flashing yellow light?

If elderly people or children are on a pedestrian crossing you will probably need to-

What does this sign mean?

Provisional drivers are often involved in crashes when turning right across oncoming traffic. What is the main cause of these crashes?

What are you required to do if you develop a serious medical condition that could affect your driving?

When approaching a marked pedestrian crossing and no pedestrians are in sight, you should-

If the red lights on this sign are flashing, what are you required to do?

How close can you park to another vehicle when parked parallel to the kerb?

You should angle park-

Which one of the following statements is correct? Bicycle riders-

You are driving a vehicle that only has a seat belt for the driver. To reduce the danger of being injured in a collision in a vehicle without a seat belt, where is the best place for passengers to sit?

What is the most common cause for young provisional drivers being involved in crashes with cross traffic at intersections?

You want to give a lift to a friend and his four month old baby. Before you do, you need to make sure-


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