When it is very foggy during the day or night and your vehicle has no fog lights, you should-
You are driving your vehicle along a street and want to stop for a short time. Are you allowed to double park your vehicle (that is stand it on the road alongside a parked car)?
What does this sign mean?
As a provisional driver, how many standard alcoholic drinks can you have immediately prior to driving?
When you see this sign you should-
To drive safely, you need to concentrate and be able to monitor everything that is happening on the road. To do this, you need to-
Providing they are not breaking the speed limit, what is the maximum speed for learner drivers who are not in a driving school vehicle fitted with dual brake controls?
When there are no arrows marked on the road, left turns must be made from-
Where should you brake for a sharp bend in the road?
What should you do when approaching traffic lights which change from green to yellow?
What is the meaning of this sign?
You are driving on a road with a painted island. There are no side streets and entrances to properties. Which one of the following statements is correct?
What must you do when travelling towards an intersection where the traffic lights are displaying a flashing yellow light?
You are sitting in a seat that has a seat belt fitted to it. When must you wear it?
What are you required to do if you develop a serious medical condition that could affect your driving?
You must use your indicator lights when-
Which movements shown in the diagram can legally be made by the driver of Vehicle 1?
Which of the following statements is correct?
You are a driver who is about to move off from the kerb into a flow of traffic. What must you do?
If you hold a learner's permit or provisional licence (P1 or P2) what is the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit?
When you wish to turn left at a roundabout you indicate-
You wish to turn left at this intersection. The traffic lights are red and you see this sign. You should-
You should angle park-
Provisional drivers have higher crash rates through running off the road on both straight sections and in bends than fully licensed drivers. Why is this so?
You set out on a fairly long drive to see some friends. After a while you start feeling tired. What should you do?
What may you do at an intersection with traffic lights at which this sign is displayed?
At which ONE of the following places are U-turns permitted?
What is the speed limit at a children's crossing (Koala crossing) when the yellow flashing lights are operating?
When following another vehicle in a line of traffic travelling at 60 km/h, what distance is considered to be the minimum safe following distance for dry road conditions?
While driving, you come across aggressive, selfish or ignorant driving behaviour by another driver. You should-
As you drive into an intersection, the lights turn to yellow. You should-
When being overtaken by another vehicle what should you do to help?
How far from an on coming car would you need to safely overtake a 23 metre B-double heavy truck, which is travelling at 100 km/h in a 110 km/h speed zone, without exceeding the speed limit?
Which one of the following conditions is a driver allowed to have an arm extended from a moving vehicle?
Where there is parallel kerbside parking, are you allowed to double park alongside a parked vehicle?
If you are going out and going to drink alcohol, the best way to avoid having to drink and drive is to-
You are driving on a freeway and realise you forgot something at home. You want to go back for it. Can you do a U-turn on this road?
The questions used in RAA’s Multiple Choice test are the same as those in the official test, however our diagrams may look slightly different. This does not affect the correct answer. Please use our test as a way to learn and understand the road rules that apply to South Australian roads.