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    Sign up to our Talent Network to receive information on application dates and other entry level opportunities. In subscribing to our Talent Network, you agree to be contacted by RAA about relevant opportunities based on your responses below.

    RAA and its related entities handle personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), including the Australian Privacy Principles, and we will deal with personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

    RAA will collect and use your personal information to provide you with information about entry level career opportunities and other vacancies available at RAA from time to time, and otherwise as necessary for our business purposes.

    If you do not provide us with this information, we may not be able to keep you informed of career opportunities at RAA. We may disclose your personal information for such purpose to third parties who provide services to RAA, and as otherwise required or permitted by law. RAA may disclose your personal information to recipients located overseas (including the United States).

    Our Privacy Policy contains information about how you may seek access to or correct personal information that RAA holds about you. It also sets out how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles by RAA and how we will handle such a complaint.